JW Cult: A Plea for Help!

This is my very first post to my new blog.  Thank you for being here!  Twilight Letters to God signifies that at 60+,  in the Twilight years of my life here on earth, I'm still questioning, wanting and needing God.

I nearly lost my older sister in September 2021 to a horrid bout with CDIF.  Sadly, we had drifted apart over the past 20 years, but faced with losing her brought some harsh realizations!  Sitting at her bedside, and later spending time alone with her during her recovery, I realized that I had lost my sister over 20 years ago to the #JevohovaWitnessCult.

During her month-long hospitalization when surgery may have been forthcoming, members of the JW community were in action at the hospital to insure her wishes.  Basically, she was willing to die and would refuse blood on the operating table.   She is so devout to their system, that she would risk her mortality, leaving behind a husband and two daughters. 

I could go on forever on how this has ruined family relationships. She went in as an adult, tried to indoctrinated her husband, children, and siblings but was not successful.  

She is a wonderful person and a good person caught up in the legalism and always following the JW rules, and there are many. My plea this day, of course to my God and Lord Jesus Christ, but also to any JW apostates for help and advice.  I need to reclaim my sister from this cult!  I am treading softly, trying to restore our friendship and trust. 

We recently spend a good bit of time vacationing together at the beach.   I am trying again to be family, but I realize her "family" are members of the Jehovah Witness Cult.

I want to hear your stories. Please!  I need your advice and prayers for her.  My mission is to get her out, and make her come to the point of walking away.  My mom died 11 years ago, and this is for her too.
